2020 Miles McInnis Award Winners!
Congratulations to the 2020 Miles McInnis award winners Jane Trujillo and Steven Ingram!
Jane is a Masters student in the Caldwell lab at NMSU. She is studying how an invasive predator affects fish stocks in a large reservoir. Jane has been a member of the AZ/NM Chapter since 2015, and has served in leadership roles in the AZ/NM Chapter of AFS including Secretary/Treasurer and Membership Chair. Congratulations, Jane!
Steven is a master’s student in the Bonar Lab at the University of Arizona. He is studying fisheries hydroacoustics, and how the sampling method could be incorporated into fisheries monitoring in Arizona reservoirs. Steven has been a member of the AZ/NM Chapter since 2020, and currently serves as the editor of the chapter’s newsletter. Congratulations Steven, you definitely deserve the award!