

There are many opportunity for students within the American Fisheries Society. This includes reduced (or free!) memberships in sections of the Society, scholarships, awards, and job opportunities.


Parent Society

Cost: $19.00 which includes online journals and InfoBase. Membership application can be found on the parent society webpage

Section memberships that are FREE for students:

Fisheries Information and Technology
Education Section
Fisheries Management

The Parent Society also has a Student Subsection under the Education Section. **THE EDUCATION SECTION IS ALL ABOUT STUDENTS. PLEASE CHECK OUT THEIR RESOURCES FOR YOU!**

Western Division

The AZ/NM Chapter is in the Western Division of AFS.

AZ/NM Chapter

Cost: $5. Membership application can be found on the Membership tab

University of Arizona Student Subunit

Membership is open to any student in Arizona.

New Mexico State University Student Subunit

Membership is open to any student in New Mexico. See their website for more information.