of the
(a) The name of the organization shall be the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society; hereinafter referred to as the Chapter.
(b) The objectives of the Chapter shall be those of the American Fisheries Society as set forth in Article I of the Constitution, and especially, to encourage the exchange of regional fisheries and other technical information among members of the Society who belong to the Chapter.
(c) All activities of this subunit shall conform to the Society’s Constitution, Bylaws, Rules, and Policies.
(a) The membership of the Chapter shall be composed of those Active Members of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) who have an interest in fisheries and related issues of importance to the States of Arizona and New Mexico. The voting membership of the Chapter shall consist of those AFS members, including members of any approved Student Subunit of the Chapter, who are Active Members (as defined by the AFS constitution) residing or living in the States of Arizona or New Mexico. Non-voting Student Affiliate membership of the Chapter shall consist of those members of any approved Student Subunit of the Chapter who are not AFS Active Members.
(b) In accordance with the Constitution of the Society, only Active AFS members may hold office, serve as committee chairs, or vote on Chapter business.
(c) Members of the Arizona State University, New Mexico State University, and University of Arizona student Subunits shall be recognized as Chapter members.
The Chapter shall hold at least one meeting annually at a time and place designated by its Executive Committee. The program and presentation of papers shall be the responsibility of the Program Committee.
(a) The officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, President-elect, Past-President, and a Secretary-Treasurer, although the latter position may be split by two people.
(b) The officers shall be elected by a majority of votes cast and election methods shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Voting may take place at the annual meeting or by mail or email ballot. Officers serve 1-year terms beginning March 1 each year, except that in years when the annual meeting occurs after March 1, new officers begin serving one month after the election associated with that annual meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer may hold office for a period longer than one year. In case of the vacated position, the Executive Committee shall appoint a qualified replacement to fill an unexpired term.
(c) In the event of a cancellation of an annual meeting, the officers and the members of any committee shall continue to serve until the next scheduled meeting.
(d) The Executive Committee shall have discretionary authority to request resignations or remove from office any person(s) violating the constitution or by-laws, or for negligence, lack of performance, or other reasons substantially detrimental to the Chapter. Any member of the Executive Committee may file a petition to the President (or President-elect if the President is the person in question) to have any officer or Committee Chair removed from their position. This petition should contain any evidence and/or reasons why this person(s) should be removed. Removal of an officer or Committee Chair requires a two-thirds vote of all filled positions of the Executive Committee. A successor may thereafter be elected for the remainder of the term.
(a) The President of the Chapter shall preside at all meetings, chair the Executive Committee, and serve as a voting member of the Division’s Executive Committee and a non-voting member of the Society’s Governing Board, and shall make such appointments and perform other duties and functions as authorized by the Chapter’s Executive Committee.
(b) The President-elect shall chair the Program Committee and shall assume the duties of the President if the latter is unable to act.
(c) The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the official records of the Chapter, collect and be custodian of dues and registration fees collected under Section 9 of these Bylaws, and any funds which may be allotted to the Chapter, and submit minutes of the Chapter meetings to the Society’s Executive Director and the Division’s Secretary-Treasurer within 30 days after each meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall disburse funds as may be authorized and necessary,
submit a record of receipts and disbursements at the annual Chapter meeting and perform such duties as may be requested by the Executive Secretary of the American Fisheries Society and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Western Division.
The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall consist of elected officers, the immediate Past President, and other members as may be appointed by the President. The Executive Committee is authorized to act on behalf of the Chapter between annual meetings and to perform appropriate duties and functions.
Committees and their Chairs, except as listed in Section 5 and 6 of these Bylaws, may be appointed and charged by the President. The term of office for members of Chapter Committees shall end upon the discharge of the duties for which they were appointed, or at the next annual meeting of the Chapter, whichever comes first.
(a) Decisions at meetings of the Chapter are decided by a simple majority vote, except for bylaw revisions.
(b) A quorum at any meeting for transaction of official business shall be one fourth of the Chapter membership or 20 active Chapter members, whichever is smaller.
(c) Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws of the Constitution of the Society, meetings are conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
(d) Business and voting may be conducted via electronic mail instead of at Chapter meetings. An electronic vote must be approved by the President, or the Officers, as appropriate for the issue being considered. All aspects of the vote (quorum, notification, length of time the vote is left open) must follow the approved procedures for the type of issue being considered.
(a) The Executive Committee shall establish annual dues subject to approval of the members voting at the annual meeting.
(b) The Executive Committee may assess each registrant attending annual meetings of the Chapter a registration fee necessary to cover the costs of the meeting and Chapter activities. Collections shall be made by the Secretary-Treasurer and disbursements shall be made for
financing the Chapter operations, as may be directed by the membership or by authorization of the Executive Committee.
(a) The Bylaws of the Chapter may be amended by a two-thirds majority approval of those members voting, provided the notice of the proposed change(s) be given to the membership at least 30 days prior to the meeting. If voting is by ballot, members must be given at least 30 days to return their ballots.
(b) Following approval by the Chapter membership, bylaw amendments must be submitted to the Society’s Constitutional Consultant for conformity with the Constitution, Rules, and Procedures of the Society. The Constitutional Consultant presents the adopted amendment to the Society Governing Board for approval.
(c) Bylaw amendments shall not be implemented until they have been approved by the Society’s Governing Board and notification has been received from the Executive Director.
Bylaws approved by the AFS Governing Board in 2007
Changes made in 2007 to reflect Student Subunit Membership
This document copied 2/5/2008 by A. Unthank
Updated bylaws approved by the Chapter membership at the 2/7/2008 business meeting
Submitted to Gwen White of AFS parent society on 7/13/2008 for approval at the 2008 Governing Board meeting
Proposed by Julie Meka Carter 7/13/2011
Approved by Chapter as amended on 2/3/2012
Approved by Western Division EXCOM on 3/25/2012
Reviewed by AFS Constitutional Consultant, Jessica Mistak, 5/2/2012
Approved by AZ/NM President, Jason Kline, 5/2/2012
Approved by AFS Governing Board, 8/18/2012