Registration Live for 50th AZ/NM TWS-AFS Joint Annual Meeting!
Registration for the 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is live! To register click here!
Early Registration (12/5/16 – 12/16/16): Student ($65), Professional ($150)
Regular Registration (12/17/16 – 1/19/17): Student ($65), Professional ($170)
Late Registration (1/20/17 – 2/9/17): Student ($65), Professional ($200)
Please make your hotel reservations for the Courtyard Marriott at the government rate of $89 per night, using the group name “AZ NM American Fishery”. Reservations can be made at 1-800-627-7468 or by contacting the facility directly at 505-325-5111.