AFS Rotenone Stewardship Program
AFS webpage – Relationship Between Rotenone Use in Fisheries Management and Parkinson’s Disease
BOR Report
NPS Antimycin 2008 Study (large file)
Fisheries Blog
The USFWS National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) will be offering the CSP2132 Rotenone and Antimycin Use in Fish Management, March 2 – 6, 2015, in Albuquerque, NM. For more information on the course, or to register, please follow the link provided below. Space is limited and this course is scheduled only once per year so please enroll early.
Course Description: This four and one-half day training provides a foundation for the planning and execution of a fish sampling/control/eradication project using the fish management chemicals rotenone and antimycin. Topics include: product chemistry & toxicology; application, monitoring, & neutralization techniques; applicator safety; integration with fisheries management or conservation plans; species sensitivities; pre- & post-project monitoring; safety; public involvement & education; environmental laws; project planning; environmental effects analysis; project implementation & management; and crisis management strategies. Application techniques are practiced in hands-on laboratory and field exercises. Successful completion of a final exam will give the participant a certificate of completion.