Category: News

Job Announcement: Lake Havasu, AZ

Job Announcement: Lake Havasu, AZ

Attached is the job announcement for an AIS Specialist 2 position in Lake Havasu, AZ. The listing closes on 2/18/21. Please feel free to pass it on to anyone who may be interested. CLICK HERE FOR THE JOB LISTING Also…. please visit the JOBS PAGE for future listings.

Miles McInnis Student Scholarship ($1000!)

$1000 scholarship to one undergraduate and one graduate student?! AWESOME. Last year we had ONE SINGLE APPLICANT FOR THIS SCHOLARSHIP. It was me. I literally competed against no one for $1000 (I won). It was the easiest $1000 I’ve ever made. So please please please, apply ASAP for your chance on some funding that I know we all need.

Joint Annual Meeting 2021: We’re going virtual

2021 Joint Annual Meeting of AFS and TWS will be going virtual this year! In the interest of keeping the wonderful fisheries scientists of AZ and NM healthy during the COVID pandemic, we are moving the JAM to an online format. I understand how disappointing this is for many of us, but following the success of the National AFS Virtual meeting, I have NO DOUBT that this conference will be a huge success. Stay tuned...

Plenary Speakers Announced

Head over to the JAM2020 drop down or follow this link to see the full information on our JAM 2020 Plenary Speakers! JAM2020 Plenary To give a quick preview: Ariel Elliott and Jennifer Owen-WhiteValle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, Albuquerque, NMCommunity Based Conservation: Creating a Shared Vision for Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge Angela PalaciosNew Mexico Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, Albuquerque, NMNative Fish in the Classroom Samantha DwinnellHaub School of Environment and Natural...

JAM 2020: Registration now OPEN!

Join the Arizona New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society / The AZ Chapter of The Wildlife Society / The NM Chapter of the Wildlife Society for the Joint Annual Meeting in Prescott, Arizona! The conference will be held in beautiful Prescott, Arizona at the Prescott Resort and Convention Center. All the info you need to register can be found here: Registration Information For all other information including Workshops that will be offered, the...

53rd Annual Joint Annual Meeting—> Prescott, AZ

The 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society will be held on January 30 – February 1 2020 in Prescott, AZ. Save the date and keep checking back for updates! Online Registration / Call for Papers / Volunteer Opportunities / etc. will be coming soon….

Registration Live for 50th AZ/NM TWS-AFS Joint Annual Meeting!

Registration for the 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is live! To register click here! Early Registration (12/5/16 – 12/16/16): Student ($65), Professional ($150) Regular Registration (12/17/16 – 1/19/17): Student ($65), Professional ($170) Late Registration (1/20/17 – 2/9/17): Student ($65), Professional ($200) Please make your hotel reservations for the Courtyard Marriott at the government rate of $89 per night,...